Von Steuben Wins Hydrogen Grand Prix Final! WGN's Spotlight of the Week Interview Congratulations to Mr. Stachyra and his students for their win!
SAT Prep Courses We are hosting SAT Test Prep for juniors through Test Prep Chicago. Click here for more information.
Mandatory SY24 Forms! EVERY student, turn in the SY24 Registration Packet & the Panther PRIDE expectation Contract.
Pre-order Flowers for Graduation Graduation will take place at the Rosemont Theater on Tuesday May 28th at 5:00pm.
Herff Jones If you have not ordered your Cap & Gown make sure to order it online as soon as possible otherwise you will have to pay $60.00 cash at graduation practice in May. If you have any questions please contact Herff Jones at:708-425-0130[email protected]
Service Learning Deadline April 24, 2024 Individual Service Learning hours are due on Wednesday April 24, 2024. Submit hours to Ms. Plaud in room 111.
College Night for Juniors LEARN ABOUT...financial aid & FAFSAcollege search tools & guidelinesthe Common ApplicationWEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 20245:30 PM AT VON STEUBENSESSIONS IN ENGLISH & SPANISH